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Meet our Summer Intern, Allie!

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Hi there! Intern Allie here. I'm the girl with the dirty blonde hair that uses the sparkle emoji way too much on our Snapchat posts. I am loving life here at Revolt Style Studio. Although York City is a lot different than what I'm used to in northern Virginia, I'm so glad to be back in Pennsylvania where I grew up.

As a rising senior at Marymount University in Arlington, VA, I'm really being hit hard with all those expectations of adulthood. You know, figuring out if paying an extra $2 for organic food is really worth it, deciding how often laundry actually needs to be done... all that fun stuff. But I've been keeping my eyes on the prize of graduating this spring with my Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Merchandising.

Being a member of the fashion club, the yearly fashion show, and the school newspaper keeps me busy whenever I'm not pulling all-nighter on an essay for one of my last prereq's. I would love to say that I'm a lead all-star on a sports team, but my hand eye coordination and overall ability for athletics parallels Kevin James at the Open. So sticking to fashion is going just fine for me.

I have a half-hour commute from school to home, where I live with my fiancé, our two dogs, and our roommates. Ryan, my fiancé, and I met in high school in Pennsylvania and headed down to Virginia to pursue our degrees. We're tying the knot in May, and I honestly have a constant mental list of 109 'to-do's before "we do." But Netflix, early morning workouts, and lounging with our pups keep us sane. I talk to our dogs, more than I do most humans, which seems borderline antisocial, but I promise, they told me I was totally normal. Our roommates, Madison and Brian, rock, and we're basically like Friends but we have pets, and as hard as I may try, I'll probably never become Rachel Green.

On any given day I could be giving a class presentation on fashion icons, working retail at Hallmark, nannying at an upscale apartment complex, making dinner for my friend-fam, or helping Jessica make Revolt Style Studio even cooler than it was 5 seconds ago. No matter where I am or what I'm doing, bring me a plate of hot wings and a cute outfit and I'm doing, bring me plate of hot wings and a cute outfit and I'm all yours.

-Intern Allie