Are your holiday plans looking a little different this year? Even with canceled plans and altered schedules, the holidays are still happening. So there’s still a chance to find comfort and joy while dressing for the holidays. Have you found yourself in a fashion rut and are wondering how to dress for this years’ plans? Here are a few style suggestions to still dress with the festive spirit.
Create a Reason to Dress Up
Even if you’re having a small gathering with your immediate family, there’s no reason you can’t all get glam for dinner! Send a formal invitation to your family for the big dinner, with instructions to don their most luxury coats, glamorous gowns, dashing suits, and finest jewels. The best part is that you won’t have to worry about the snow!
photo by Janna Park Photography
Use your Outfit to Remember Loved Ones
What better way to remember those you love than wearing some of your hand made, hand-me-down, and gifted clothing and accessories. Cozy up in the blanket your friend made you last year or rock your mom’s old skirt that you love so much but haven’t found the right occasion for. Instead of buying new outfits for all the office parties or obligatory festivities that you don’t have to attend this year, you can spend your holiday wearing out all your favorite clothing items that remind you of how much you’re loved.
Rock an “Ugly” Themed Sweater
If there was ever a year to rock an outrageous, “ugly” holiday themed sweater, this is certainly the one. And why limit it to just the most common option - the ugly Christmas sweater? Why not rock a singing turkey sweater for Thanksgiving, a light up menorah sweater for Hanukkah, and a sparkly New Years Eve sweater too? This is the perfect attire for Zoom holiday parties as well, since both Zoom and sweaters are only waist it up!
Go All In with a Theme
Is there an iconic holiday movie that you love for the style as well as the story? Are you a big fan of How the Grinch Stole Christmas or White Christmas? Take this opportunity to dress as your favorite character, or even have your whole family join in as well. Or let the holiday itself be your theme. For Christmas, rock the cheesy, over the top look head to toe. Dress in all red and green, complete with twinkle light necklaces, a reindeer headband, and fuzzy socks. Or let this be your excuse to rock pajamas all day and convince your family to all wear matching pajamas.
This article was originally featured in print in the Winter 2020 edition of Resonance, a magazine publication for Bell Socialization Services.